CAIRO: A candidate who died two weeks before the parliamentary elections’ first phase obtained 386 votes in a polling station in Minya, Youm7 reported Tuesday.
Officials from the High Elections Committee (HEC) said that late Mahmoud Khalafallh obtained the votes although there was a sign placed at the polling station saying that he had passed away, Youm7 reported.
Another candidate, who was disqualified one day before the elections, obtained the majority of votes in Egypt’s Mediterranean city of Alexandria.
Ali Elba, who was disqualified from the parliamentary race by a court ruling over “bad reputation”, got over 60 percent of votes in a polling station in his homeland of Alexandria’s district of al-Raml.
The confusion was caused mainly because the ballot papers were already printed before the court ruling and also because, during the elections, the candidate announced he was still running in spite of the ruling, Abdullah al-Khouli, head of the committee overseeing the elections in Elba’s polling station told Al Ahram Tuesday.
Fourteen governorates in Upper Egypt and the West Delta voted in the first stage, with 226 of the seats going to individual candidates and 60 to electoral lists. The turnout ranged from 15 to 20 percent.