CAIRO: Egyptian national ID cards may be issued in colors as part of developments carried out to the civil affairs sector, Youm7 reported Monday.
Ehab Abdel Rahman, Assistant Interior Minister for Civil Affairs sector, told Youm7 that they are studying how to“develop the national IDs and issue them in colors, especially amid several complaints about the personal photo on the card.”
Egyptian national IDs, which are compulsory for citizens aged 16 or older to carry at all times and also contain a chip with the person’s data, contain a personal photo in black and white, which is usually taken by an employee at a police station. The poor quality of the ID photo has been a matter of complain among Egyptians, who sometimes mock their appearance.
Rahman added that 24 governmental record centers for issuing official certificates and identity documents have been re-opened for operation after being stalled since the January 25 Revolution in 2011.
He has announced inaugurating four new headquarters for civil affairs centers in Qalubiya, Cairo, Alexandria and Sharqiah, aiming to “ease services provided for the public.”
More headquarters will be opened in the coming days to “alleviate the overcrowding at governmental installations,” he said.
Further, Rahman noted that the sector is seeking to “issue certificates and documents in English language per citizens’ request.”
A total of 225,000 national IDs for families were issued at homes, as well as some 13 million documents were extracted within two months, he said in his statements.