CAIRO: Muslim Brotherhood (MB) leading member Gamal Abdel Sattar vowed to “burn Egypt if Islamist president Mohamed Morsi is put to death.”
“[Mohamed] Morsi will not die in a time or date rather than those pre-destined by Allah. He will not die in time determined by a judge but if he was executed, Egypt will remain in endless fire until retribution for the Sisi,” said Sattar in his interview aired at the MB-affiliated Mekameleen satellite channel Friday.
Morsi was sentenced to death in the Wadi al-natroun prison escape trial Tuesday, alongside 98 others. They are accused of escaping the prison during the January 2011 uprising.
Sattar added that “Those who were responsible for Morsi’s death including Sisi, the Grand Mufti, the judges and the Grand Imam of al-Azhar will be killed the moment Morsi is executed.”
Several defiant video recordings circulated in social media since the ouster of Morsi in July 2013 following a mass protest against his rule. Prominent MB leader Mohamed al-Beltagy, currently imprisoned over violence-related charges, was caught in a video saying that all militant attacks occurring in Sinai will stop the moment Morsi is released.
Following the ouster of Morsi, he was taken to an unknown place before he appeared on T.V a a few months later.
Egypt has witnessed a significant rise in militancy since the military-backed ouster of Islamist President Mohamed Morsi in July 2013 following mass protests against his rule. According to the Interior Ministry, militant attacks have killed more than 500 security personnel since then.
The Egyptian army has created a one-kilometer-wide and 14-kilometer-long buffer zone on the eastern border of North Sinai as part of its fight against militants in the area.